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Loved this little gem. Things started normal and got very wierd, and that's what I look for.

Lol it's the "House Party" house...


The creator DID say it was a familiar house...



Good game. This is my gameplay in portuguese.

Bom jogo, aqui está minha gameplay em português

Fun game. Check it out. Honestly need all the subscribers and likes I can get haha.

Really cool game, spooked the lving hell out of me

honestly i was really curious until i found the man in the closet in the laund dd dd error dd dd d e em mmmon hh ee l l p



Certainly quite an interesting experience, though it left me wanting hamburgers.

it was a very fun experience!


I have seen this house over 20 times on games and UE4 lol

(1 edit) (-1)

Great work.

But after entering a room I like to smoothly pan all around with right mouse button rather the hand locating at sides of the window. Panning should be up and down directions to feel ceiling and floors.Mouse wheel to use for back and forth.

For advance users, MEP, Service lines, attic or spaces over ceiling etc to reach. 


That's the same House like from House Party, right?

(4 edits) (+1)
Fun, fresh and interesting. I really liked the subtle progression at first, and of course the VHS technique looked great.

The juxtaposition between the cheerful/normal open house tour and the hints of horror in the first part of the game was interesting.  The later parts of the game, where the veneer of normality came off, were not.  The game would have much stronger if it had kept the cheerful open house aspects throughout.


Everytime a meme game gets done to death on youtube I internally cringe at the thought of spoofs flooding the indie scene. Games like this however remind me that it just takes enough creativity and a good spin.

Atmospheric, just engaging enough and a strong dose of self awareness. If I had to fault anything it would come down to the gameplay. Some of the "clues" are a bit difficult to find, especially the one in the downstairs bathroom. Mostly something that could be fixed with indicators to show what edges of the screen can actually be clicked on but in reality it's a very minor gripe.

Top stuff, the indie scene could do with more ventures like this. (famous last words)

Further thoughts and cynicism below.

Loved the game! Was a fan of the "Meat" haha!

This game creeped me out but in the best way possible. Didn't know what to expect and even if I did, it wouldn't have been this lmao!

I knew something serious and weird was gonna happen the moment you went silent lmao

Lol! It's that fight or flight response which I always end up choosing flight

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There's a rendering issue with the scratch marks when you go to scan the upstairs rooms where the scratch marks would render even though they're behind the walls in the kids room.

(1 edit)


that jumpscare really got me


I loved the experience, this is the future, thanks for the tour Northtree!!!

why is there a woman hiding in the closet of the laundry room


Believe me, I did NOT want to look at that, but ya practically forcing me haha this game is very enjoyable and unique! This is an example of taking a simple concept, putting your own twist on it, and creating something very cool in its own way. I just wanna know why the guy was in the closet? Hahaha I'd def like to play watch ya create next!

Great work!

Loved it! Definitely a unique game, even though I got a little frustrated towards the end, haha. But honestly, super cool concept and I would love to play more of this in different types of homes or something!

This game is incredibly unique. The concept is great, such a smart way to lure the player into a false sense of security. I really enjoyed this! 

Really good to see something that the horror scene hasnt seen before.. really fresh and interesting 😀

This is REALLY well made, I was super impressed with what you put together and can tell a lot of thought and effort went into making it! BRAVO! 


Play the game before you read the comments PLEASE

I had a lot of fun playing this game, the really creepy part of this game is at the end of the credits. So make sure to watch it all :) 

Deleted post


Really fun game! We knew it will have a twist but the execution was great. Found the game creepy and puzzling. If this was a real product for realtors, I would definitely use it! This would make a interesting horror film too. Keep up the great work and looking forward to more games from you. 

Game is deeper and longer than I thought it would be, which was a pleasant surprise. I might actually consider buying this wonderful house!


Good game. Had a creepy vibe and I thought something was just gonna jump at me out of nowhere


Haha!Mr.ChineseBoyMonkey on Bilibili showed us the dangerous game!I think it's a good game,but I am a child so I won't play this until I become an adult.

Yep, definitely NOT the turn I was expecting. You surely had me thinking there was some company promoting their new* tech.

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