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Deleted 280 days ago

I'm considering printing this out and hanging it above my computer lol. But for real, thank you for the nice words!


Love it


Thanks for making another amazing game! I didn´t expect the "REAL" ending to be so serious, it really caught me off guard and I needed that! Some of our battles are fought silently and sometimes we need a game to make us realize the answers to keep going.  I loved each one of the endings and my reactions were pretty weird to some of them. 


You are more than welcome and thank you for playing it!

hello, due to unforseeable reasons, I am contacting you here of all places to tell you of something that may or may not be of importance to you, mainly a bit of a story, and a potential idea for a sequel to a game you made, 

I will type out as much as the site will allow, one night I had a nightmare, it was heavily inspired by your game "The open house",

 with a little bit of a mix of fnaf in it a tiny bit, and some meta mechanics and multiple endings, here is pretty much everything I can remember from the dream, 

It begins the same way as the first game does, but slightly different, a different company trying to do the same concept, and a new cutout person to show you around, a generic female this time, but instead of only being inside the house, you only get to see inside the house, from the outside, and only from specific angles, just like in the first, after a while, you start to find that something is wrong, and after finding various messed up things, a door in the fence opens up, and if you walk through it, you find a broken 3D version of the cutout guy from the first game, his face is glitched out and sometimes gone, no ears, really tall, and long arms, and covered in blood, wearing a torn up suit, and when you get close to him, the game turns into a black screen, and says, "Minigame unlocked.", Then it turns into a sort of mini game, in my dream, it was a sort of atari platformer, but that can be whatever you feel like, but it was very glitchy, and after breaking the game enough, you would find a pixely looking version of the monster salesman from before, who grabs the character, and turns the month game off, you are then presented with a shiny screen, and the player standing up, you are now inside of a house that is in the middle of the snow storm, and as you look around, you find out it is the same house from earlier, you now have free movement, and you can interact with dozens of items, and depending on what you mess with, gives you new endings, what I interacted with in the dream mainly was an ipad sitting on a small table in the hallway, I'm not entirely sure how it went down after that, but the ending my dream came up with was the player waking up in a hospital bed, a doctor talking about some stuff, and the monster right infront of you holding the iPad, then it suddenly changes to a still png of the monster crouching down while the doctor beings screaming and saying "Shoot it!", 

And that's about it for how it went, hopefully you can read this and tell me what you think about it as an idea.

Also, if you want to talk to me on discord about it, let me know.


I like what Routine has going for it; nice visuals, fluid controls and a real “WTF?!” moment. I especially like its short length. That may not sound like something to praise, but games like this don’t have an impact at longer play times. Routine is just long enough to make its point, and that’s perfect. Is it scary? Not in a traditional way, but it’s something that hits you after you’re done playing. I’d like to see more concepts like this. 


An interesting game. 

(1 edit) (+1)

6 endings, AND I loved the game. 

Guys, Corpsepile has made a bunch of games. Check them out. They're all really good and no two of them are the same. 


Here is a video on Routine, not really horror in my opinion unless you are afraid to do the same thing over and over in your life. Video is about 8 minutes long and I hope you enjoy it!


At first, I thought we were done after the first ending. Then I thought we were done after the second. Then I stopped thinking we'd ever be done.

Got to say, this was such a cool concept and I loved every creepifying moment of it. So many twists and turns and unexpected events popping out all over the place.

We definitely end up with more questions than answers by the end of it, but it always felt like that was how things were going to end up. Everything was perfectly poised to leave us pirouetting into a perplexing pit of paranoia.

Cracking work by the dev, looking forward to seeing more! (Also, a quick note for the dev too, I think someone may have uploaded this game to another site without their permission, I'll pop the link here so they can verify that -

Now then, anyone who hasn't played this... get it downloaded and get stuck in!


as someone who lives the life of a routine..I feel personally attached lol. This was great, there's so many possibilities this type of idea could lead to. Great work.


I've played Routine and I enjoyed it!

It's an interesting concept


Wake up...drink coffee...check out back...TV..sleep, repeat...Wake out back. GET SUCKER PUNCHED!  LOL. I loved, absolutely loved the different ending plots. What got me was the Alien invasion and how every moment played out! 

I liked it even though I never got to drink the coffee :)

I think i got 4 and a half endings. Pretty sure I screwed up the last one and just quit the game.

Good game! I only found 4 endings but I'm happy with that.

Honestly a great concept at a great time loved to play the game 

This game is very interesting, i made 3 endings.

here is my gameplay in portuguese

I got jumpscared three times in a row! I loved it!

This is the coolest game ive played in a long time!

i know what your game is about, people need to wake up.

Good game!

Very interesting game. I was really worried I was stuck in a loop haha! I do realize it is more of an interactive story, but I wish there was just a little more movement or interactions. I was curious what would happen if I took the pills or drank the coffee. But a cool game nonetheless. 

(2 edits)


This game was a really a fun experience,  I had no clue I was about to hop on such a turn around in a game.  Good job my indi friends.

Eerily creepy yet intriguing at the same time!

Included it in a video if you're curious :)

Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (the game is the first there):


1. There are different endings. I think the game benefits a lot of that because that extents the gameplay and makes the whole experience more involving.

2. The graphics are cool. There are not so much to do in the game so at least it's nice to look at.

3. The game scared me as a horror game should) I didn't expect to be scared so game 1 : me 0.


1. There are no gameplay. The coffee sequence gets to be boring after a while and also it would be a nice touch if you could actually see the coffee spilling in the coffee maker.

2. It's strange how it is always 6 o'clock no matter how light it is outside. I mean they get up at 6, making their coffee then go to sleep then get up to witness strange shit? Like they have no life or what? Maybe it would be cool to see different sequences of the routine or get from coffee making straight to the TV without the alarm clock scene.


I enjoyed the game, it was rather weird but I got scared. Moreover, I am pretty sure I didn't get all the endings but just a few. Still, I think there is a possibility for further developing.

Hope my feedback was useful!

(2 edits)

Damn, I missed one more ending that will lead me to the REAL ending... This is the second part of the gameplay, you can watch the first part on my channel :)

great Game here is my video of it!

creepy game and also weird 

it got pretty boring after making the coffee for the 867th time

but overall pretty good game

i think i got all the endings???

FIVE endings in this game and I got 'em all! 😎

Another cool game by corpsepile!

Really enjoyed it! I think I found all the endings (?).

Pour les Francophones !

I would absolutely love an option to take the pills but the concept was cool!

pretty cool game.

Look what the routine made me do! I guess the mundane routine of life twisted me into this monster.

YOUTUBER: Maya, The Bubble E1
(Subscribe today to keep limbo hell away!)

In my perspective, this game is a game about never ending endings where all endings eventually come to an end. These endings are considered routines because routines change for different reasons. some routines might change or disappear because of an accident, you dont like it anymore, you need a change, death, or because you start having a different perspective on life. The pills represent a different day. one day closer to the true ending. one day closer to knowing that your routine could change because you are one day closer to death. I really enjoyed this game and I know that what I just wrote above might not make any sense cuz honestly I dont even know what I just wrote. Here is my video on the game:

If you enjoyed the video then please consider subscribing! If you did not enjoy the video then please tell me what you did not enjoy in the comments so I can improve :)



Hey! I included your game in my latest Horror Games video! The part with your game starts around 6:34! Hope ya enjoy!

Awesome Game :D

I really enjoyed this game! It was unique, and it kept me interested

Deleted post

good game i did all endings was suprising the true ending im not gonna spolirs enjoy it

Great game!! made a vid about it!!
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